

Made in Latvia, dedicated to the world. Veto is a biannual print magazine in English and Latvian, carefully crafted to showcase the best in contemporary art, fashion, culture and life with a fresh and bold attitude. We support young talents who dare to think differently, have an opinion and challenge conventional life patterns.

Kultūras un dzīvesstila žurnāls Veto iznāk divreiz gadā, latviešu un angļu valodā. Apvienojot spilgtu vizuālo saturu ar aizraujošu lasāmvielu, Veto vēsta par mākslu, modi, dizainu, kino, mūziku un pasauli no svaiga un drosmīga skatupunkta.

Jūlija Volkinšteine

Editor in chief / Galvenā redaktore


Evita Goze

Managing editor / Redaktore 


Kristīne Madjare

Editor of photography / Foto redaktore


Liene Linde

Film editor / Kino redaktore


Krišjānis Šteins

Design / Dizains



Get in touch / Saziņai: [email protected]

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